

From To Fee (%) Fee Amount ($) Cumulative Fee Amount ($) Cumulative Fee (%)
$0 $500,000 1.50% $7,500 $7,500 1.50%
$500,000 $1,000,000 1.25% $6,250 $13,750 1.38%
$1,000,000 $3,000,000 1.00% $20,000 $33,750 1.13%
$3,000,000 $6,000,000 0.75% $22,500 $56,250 0.94%
$6,000,000 $15,000,000 0.50% $45,000 $101,250 0.68%
$15,000,000 & above Negotiable


Minimum fee of $4,000 per year. Discounts available for clients with simple portfolio structure. Fee is charged at the end of the calendar quarter, in arrears (after services are rendered) based on the portfolio value at that time.


  • Initial portfolio evaluation
  • Subsequent investment recommendations
  • Ongoing Portfolio Management
  • Quarterly and/or Annual Reporting
  • Initial and Periodic Retirement Income Plan Updates

ADVICE ONLY (no ongoing management or supervision):

Investment Portfolio Evaluation*

Includes an evaluation of your portfolio(s), positions and strategy and recommendations for change

Initial Portfolio Review           $850

Financial Planning Projections*

Includes a projection of your resources and needs up to, or over the time you will need them

Retirement Income Plan          $850

Misc Planning

$280 per hour

*We reserve the right to charge more for very complex situations.  Of course, this will be disclosed and discussed prior to initiating an engagement